the first step to not drowning is to acknowledge you are drowning.
this seems silly. but imagine you’re in the ocean with no boat & no buoy. head barely bobbing above water as icy dark water chops threaten to swallow life, muscles screaming —exahausted from treading. hungry, hopeless, helpless.
wouldn’t your reality be desperation??
*sploosh!* a white ring splashes in cold water—a lifesaver tossed from above. will you grab it? or will you choose to drown?
this picture just painted is all of us! we’re all drowning without saving, until we realize our need.
rescue requires humility.
the point is, the moment you start to feel the water, the moment you notice the black, cold waves slicing over your head, hang on to that realization! it may feel like a death sentence. so uncomfortable and painful. like something you just want to shut out. but the alternative is to die from comfort, falling asleep in familiarity (which is truly death). when you are woken up, I beg you, don’t ignore the freezing karate chop waves. that awareness is mercy. we cannot be rescued unless we know we need help.
& all you need is a cry.
you don’t have to learn how to swim.
you don’t even need to hold your breath.
all it takes is one word—help. spoken genuinely. true repentance.
God delights to show mercy.
we can’t get ourselves out. no amount of money or “fulfillment” from things here on earth will ever satisfy or save.
help is otherworldly.
for many this past year or so has revealed the hungry sea, bodies freezing, nearly underwater. now that you know—how will you respond: a raw HELP, or choosing to go under?
I pray over every person reading this word now, that a spirit of humility comes over us. may we see accurately and interpret rightly. may we give ourselves up, not to the sea, but to the Seer of our souls! to the Rescuer. the ship is there. will you allow Him your hand?
God gives grace to the humble
James 4.6