darkness runsshadow retreatssoil deep & damp waitsas little molecule breath seed becomes in secret earth wombbreaking dying opening receiving cloud’s water giftsexploding upin slow motion verdant & one hundred percent living, simple true like you if you be a good receiver—let rain soaklet sun saturate & air circulate receive we have nothing that we have not received so be like seed rest be let Creator rain & do not resistHis Gift
what is in the sky of your life? God deeply longs to create again in us. to pop His confetti cannons in our hearts, explosions of colorful yes’s, bursting & booming across sunrise banner.will you let Him?each second is a treat, an opportunity to receive & to rejoice, to let the Lord be the Lord. & as we submit to Him, His love dust settles in the cracked places, to mend to heal to make again. because we need the dew of heaven to revive us, to rest on us, to be within us always.like confetti, like dust or dew...
have you ever thought of God as having a sense of humour? the more i get to know Him, the more fun we have together. He Really wants to have fun with His kids. so loosen up. laugh. play. let Him push you on the swings, go down tube slides together & don’t forget to have tickle times & pillow fights, together 💛here are some funny things from creation God showed me. we had a good laugh, together. i hope you can smile with Him, too.ostrich faces!horse teeth!monkey buttscow uddersoctopi!for more posts about the laughter of God, check out these...
to sky muralist and water wave stepper. to the one who carved my thumb whirl and sealed my heart, hello my one true Love. You will never abandon or break up with me. never abuse or hurt me. You never change. faithful and true. each millisecond brings something different, yet You remain. steady, constant, firm. from the first tick of time to the final second of earth, You’re the unchanging rock. my hiding place, my everything. praise You for each mountain sculpture. You rearrange the sky tapestry—an ever escalating beautiful stratosphere singing Your glory. the rain, the coral, the forest,...
thank You for water as it rises, the kind that cleanses & covers. take away the debris & let everything sparkle & shinethank You in this evil age, You are here, in our midst. You are good & you do goodlike a mosaic of music, You compose the things we go through into a giant mural of good. & though we can only see one note at a time, by faith we understand the symphony song will be in harmony with Heaven when we fall down & allow You to compose thank You for compost, the trash & broken that crashes...
little yes’ add up. like breaths add up to a lifetime, cells & atoms compose creation, cents make a million, seeds sow to orchards, & seconds tick to century, little yes’ to God count, create a life of rest & praise pleasing to Jesus. like these seeds & cents, our lives matter. our tiny daily choices matter—what we choose to think, what we do with our time, how we treat others, how we steward what we’re given, how we respond to the love of God. it all matters. it all adds up.& it starts with one yes. one yes in response...
the sweet repose of a water lily paints a picture of stillness & rest. a refuge, for frogs & dragonflies, insects of all families, to pause. the green leaf only a glimpse of the plant, as long stems wind down to pond bottom where roots nestle, a hidden network. it’s through secret connection the flower floats & flourishes, through this abiding deep below the water, all things flow. rest is enjoyed, by many, because the water lily is planted, tucked in & secure in a deep place only it knows. because of this, it grows & it provides a place...
look at the seed—it in itself contains the potential to become the plant (even the fruit!), but it must take time. it must take air, must water, must sunshine. & if it be submitted to this process of receiving & rest, growth will grow.submit to Design & with time, submission will multiply into growth, into gifts to give others—shade, fruit, a home. so become in the secret quiet. let the Designer take His time to make you fully Thine. discover the sweetness in trust & you will yourself become sweet. receive the gift daily. receive rain. receive sun. receive clear...
the same water splashing as Jesus came up from his baptism is in the earth today. the same water Naaman washed in and was healed is today a fountain still rushing. the same water parted in the Red Sea when God delivered His people from the Egyptians lives now. the water that carried Noah and his family in the ark, the water that Rebekah watered the camels with, the water Jesus washed his disciples’ feet with, the water that gushed from our Saviour’s side… still flows here—covering ocean beds, flooding river basins, flushing toilet bowls, dewing fields and watering gardens,...
the breath circulating in out inmy mind logging memories while I sleepcrisp air fried broccoli for lunchmy body’s ability to digestthat I have legs and that they work to walkthe promise of the rainbowthe flowers smiling just out my windowforksthe sky bright and bluethe roof above the floor belowthe fact that I can change; my past is not my future because the cross is realbloodGod’s wordmy ability to go out and purchase grocerieseach friendeach toe(especially the pinkie one without which I would be terribly off balance!)rootsJESUSopposable thumbsthat I’ve made it this farmy skin holding everything inevery morning God painting a...