what is in the sky of your life? God deeply longs to create again in us. to pop His confetti cannons in our hearts, explosions of colorful yes’s, bursting & booming across sunrise banner.will you let Him?each second is a treat, an opportunity to receive & to rejoice, to let the Lord be the Lord. & as we submit to Him, His love dust settles in the cracked places, to mend to heal to make again. because we need the dew of heaven to revive us, to rest on us, to be within us always.like confetti, like dust or dew...
thank You for water as it rises, the kind that cleanses & covers. take away the debris & let everything sparkle & shinethank You in this evil age, You are here, in our midst. You are good & you do goodlike a mosaic of music, You compose the things we go through into a giant mural of good. & though we can only see one note at a time, by faith we understand the symphony song will be in harmony with Heaven when we fall down & allow You to compose thank You for compost, the trash & broken that crashes...
each day-start, I open a new book with fresh pages, & paint a glory hello. greet Me, too. open your eyes & sing. & at the end of the evening, I close the book, put the day on My shelf of stories & cuddle into bed with My beloved. I love cold grass tickling between My toes with you, I like to take you to breakfast—Me, you, runny egg yolks & rye toast. I’ll never forget your smile. breakfast with you.You’re there when my dad died & the black hole opened in my mind. You stooped to stay close when I laid...
little yes’ add up. like breaths add up to a lifetime, cells & atoms compose creation, cents make a million, seeds sow to orchards, & seconds tick to century, little yes’ to God count, create a life of rest & praise pleasing to Jesus. like these seeds & cents, our lives matter. our tiny daily choices matter—what we choose to think, what we do with our time, how we treat others, how we steward what we’re given, how we respond to the love of God. it all matters. it all adds up.& it starts with one yes. one yes in response...
my elbows & thought balloons, my cell smiles & hair slides, every heart flicker & each blink—they all fit inside Your palm.so there they’ll stay—every piece of me. & as You eclipse my mondays & decembers, i’m fine to be found in You. my little bits contained in Your eternal embrace. Infinite Friend, You know no end. i want to lose my drops in Your endless ocean! teach me to stay in Your hug.
everyone is invited to The Party. & once there, everyone has presents waiting to be opened.sadly, many choose to not accept their invitation. they don’t believe the good news of acceptance so they ignore their invitation in disbelief. of those who accept their invitation, many never open the presents given to them. some open a few presents while still leaving a pile of presents untouched. while the fewest group of all, are those who receive from the goodness of the Giver. they are of humble childlike meekness &, with simplicity, they accept the invitation to life & then go &...
sometimes we compare our abilities to what other people can do. maybe I can play the guitar and sing, but, not like that guy over there can, so I devalue what I have based on what he has.this is so backwards! & sad. many people are waiting to use what God has given to them until they’re exceptionally-up-to-expectations-excellent. there’s nothing wrong with desiring excellence. but, in reality, we need to just step out in faith and do the thing. momentum begets momentum. & to practice is the way forward.we often feel like what God has given us to share with...
clown. forced, fake, makeup caked, dressed to make you think of joy but on the inside a crying mess. farce! that’s all earth offers—pretend mirage happy like chasing wind, never full. a total lie. but a lie that can lead us to look for who is life! because happy is real. genuine in out true happy. rainbow on rain joy! real happy. a snail snails slowly along, happy as can be just the way he is—slime trail & all! no rock complains about sitting still. no cloud compares herself to lighting in jealous huffs. no, nature, creation, is content. so why do we talk...
look at the seed—it in itself contains the potential to become the plant (even the fruit!), but it must take time. it must take air, must water, must sunshine. & if it be submitted to this process of receiving & rest, growth will grow.submit to Design & with time, submission will multiply into growth, into gifts to give others—shade, fruit, a home. so become in the secret quiet. let the Designer take His time to make you fully Thine. discover the sweetness in trust & you will yourself become sweet. receive the gift daily. receive rain. receive sun. receive clear...
quiet still water like an uninterrupted sky, sits. the pond speaks in silence. suddenly a green bump from a lily circle leaps—her great finesse, flying through the air, flinging her whole self forward with one grand leap. a royal proclamation of God’s creativity, wisdom, and beauty. no one jumps like the frog!zoom in on these propelling frog legs, made with denser muscle fibers and other special factors that make a frog capable of leaping like no other creature on earth. frog, known for her strange leg strength, sings or rather croaks a frequency of God’s glory that no other animal...