Light up cave with lantern burningNot hereSalt air whips my hair as I sailChurning waves—eyes set on questNot hereTo the stars, seeking in weightless velvetnoWood quietWood stillSunlight sifts throughCanopyHere?A whisper—yes. Pause—rest.Be a moment, as love overcomes. Seek God! He promises if we seek Him, we Will find Him!! Happy are those who keep his decrees and seek him with all their heartPsalms 119:2 “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”Jeremiah 29:13 Go out and stand before me on the mountain,” the Lord told him. And as Elijah stood there, the Lord passed by, and a mighty...
Your Fire tickles my toes, flames lick each tip, lighting me to dancedon’t stop telling me secrets whisper it allI want to Know—the flowers’ dress sizes the stars’ names & where the wooly mammoths used to find You in the morning. I want to know what the volcanoes know, and where is the rain stored? I want to know. I want to know You More. come close, I can’t breathe without You. everything else is mannequin mirage, crumbs & vapour, coming to nothing. The earth waits, for You. so make me pregnant—expectant of You. like Moses met with You, FACE...
the sweet repose of a water lily paints a picture of stillness & rest. a refuge, for frogs & dragonflies, insects of all families, to pause. the green leaf only a glimpse of the plant, as long stems wind down to pond bottom where roots nestle, a hidden network. it’s through secret connection the flower floats & flourishes, through this abiding deep below the water, all things flow. rest is enjoyed, by many, because the water lily is planted, tucked in & secure in a deep place only it knows. because of this, it grows & it provides a place...
rollercoaster.we get on—for thrill & for fun—& all we know is we’re sitting down, strapping in, in for the ride. then, as we’re uplifted, we drop, fly, roar! wherever the tracks guide. we’re completely out of control, all we can do is sit, go with the flow, & laugh.isn’t this true—life in God is a little like a rollercoaster. whooosh! we’re going forward in Him, by trust & rest, & it is fun. Joy. Freedom! we don’t have to figure it out. we just need to trust. The Life Engineer made the thing, & on Him we depend! we only...
tummy blender hill bender hair dryer screaming higher, rollercoaster adrenaline. black & white abc’s absorb tea steam bathes in afternoon sunlight cat on lap, book lover dream. tall friends of brown & green lead eyes up with their branches waving in breeze fresh air canyon view flowerswild & sparkly dew, hikers paradise. board game night camaraderie around the table laugh till snort, pee—the gang’s all here. travel high flying jet to new everything exotic cuisine like cuy bright geometric patterned shawl funky music hola que tal? adventure junkie delight.what’s your idea of fun?have you thought of the Presence of God,...
life is like one breath, like one blink. so let’s embrace, even cubicle space. after all, life is now; this is it! there is no rehearsal, we are here, performance fit! let’s embark on a quest for the good. find the joy in all things and you will never be without in the drought. enjoy Yeshua.& never underestimate the power of the small—pollen, seeds, a yes.& may that seed given to you from heaven find a yes in your heart, like how fuzzy yellow pollen dot, carried by a busy bumble bee travels to populate earth with beauty. or a...
You’re not like the others. You’re not like the sand, shifting and eroding, ebbing and flowing as tide comes and leaves. or star—born, sparkle, implode. breath, comes, goes. there’s grace laced throughout Your royal robes and burning eyes, leaving no trace of former scars or lies. You love to forgive, You love to forget. You don’t count my mistakes. or look at my forsaken state of mind. but call me beloved, found, Yours… all along. this false reality—me me me—ice melting beneath, nowhere to go but sink, is taken in a blink. when You look at me.and taken, I am....
everyone is invited to The Party. & once there, everyone has presents waiting to be opened.sadly, many choose to not accept their invitation. they don’t believe the good news of acceptance so they ignore their invitation in disbelief. of those who accept their invitation, many never open the presents given to them. some open a few presents while still leaving a pile of presents untouched. while the fewest group of all, are those who receive from the goodness of the Giver. they are of humble childlike meekness &, with simplicity, they accept the invitation to life & then go &...
when a person bungee jumps, they’re depending on the cord to keep them connected, to keep them alive! we, too, need to live connected, to remain in the vine.““I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in...
clown. forced, fake, makeup caked, dressed to make you think of joy but on the inside a crying mess. farce! that’s all earth offers—pretend mirage happy like chasing wind, never full. a total lie. but a lie that can lead us to look for who is life! because happy is real. genuine in out true happy. rainbow on rain joy! real happy. a snail snails slowly along, happy as can be just the way he is—slime trail & all! no rock complains about sitting still. no cloud compares herself to lighting in jealous huffs. no, nature, creation, is content. so why do we talk...