sometimes we compare our abilities to what other people can do. maybe I can play the guitar and sing, but, not like that guy over there can, so I devalue what I have based on what he has.
this is so backwards! & sad. many people are waiting to use what God has given to them until they’re exceptionally-up-to-expectations-excellent. there’s nothing wrong with desiring excellence. but, in reality, we need to just step out in faith and do the thing. momentum begets momentum. & to practice is the way forward.
we often feel like what God has given us to share with the world is nothing special. it’s normal to me, so why would anyone else think it special?
maybe you don’t see what you have as important, when, in reality, you’re the only person on earth who can do it like you can. no one else. no one can do it like you can.
if you are funny, tell jokes & make people smile! if you can bake, make many pies! if you are a singer, sing. teachers teach, athletes train and sewers sew! just do the thing. that is how you will get better anyways—by practice! by actually engaging that unique part of the image of God in you, the beauty the goodness the special talent or skill!
whatever excuses or lies you’ve heard about why you’re not writing, not singing, not cooking, not painting, not starting a business or whatever that special ability God’s gifted to you, tell it to shut up! & instead believe—i am created on purpose, with a purpose. I am here to know and make God known. no one can reflect Him in the exact, unique way He made me to! I get to shine my own specific rainbow in earth. so I must shine! I must do the thing i’m made to do! otherwise the world will be missing a ray of light, as no one can shine the way I am created to!
so create! sing! make music & paint & build websites, landscape, & fix cars!! write books & teach children & pole vault! whatever the thing you’re given to do, your gift, do it well, for Him!
what will you do with what you’re given?
God gave you gifts and abilities and talents for a reason!
what will you do with what you’re given?
read the first part of this post here: