the tree is laughing
all my hurt swallowed by music
i can’t stop singing
these battle wounds now
battle scars, marks
who testify—rebirth occurs
can’t tie me down
can’t cage these cells
the Breath Beginner
freed me
the Greenblue Marble Speaker spoke & stonecold death broke
flesh tent coursing, can’t contain, shaking
from fullness gonna overflow everywhere i go
my feet tap to His happy clap, their soles painted glee leave prints in minds & sidewalk squares. a simple song—Be Free
now a wave, now another, gush, asking to have me
yes! i say
thank you for proposing
my rainbow white gown drenched in joy watercolor tears. have me, ocean of bottomless sideless topless endless love
consume & partake
salsa bachata waltz twirl, love at first brush stroke You spoke & i am
You are holy, divine, outside of time. all of life a mysterious romance—Your Kingly Self pursues clay us, poised to pounce the moment a flutter of one toe momentum moves toward Maker
waterfalls who no one sees
still relentlessly pour, in wood crevices and mountain treasure chests
come rest in the Garden of Design
lay down your time
surrender all bruises
put down those fists
you’ve been running but there’s a dance floor you’ve been boxing but He’s not keeping score
of your punches (that’s already paid for) so lay down and let the flower’s dew change you